The Action on Access Information Hub and Email Briefing Service is considered an essential tool for all institutions or organisations trying to manage the continuing flux of information and stay abreast and current; actively involved; well-informed and better able to plan for the future; and to more effectively pursue the goal of educational and social justice. As a subscriber you will receive:
The Action on Access Information Hub and Email Briefing Service helps address the inequality that we all know exists in identifiable groups of people (both students and staff) who are under-represented across, and at all levels within, the Higher Education sector.
We deliver an easy to access, easy to use, current, relevant, comprehensive, long established and highly valued service providing news; key reports and publications; latest government statements and announcements; resources; training opportunities; events; and job vacancy listings – all brought directly to your Inbox for fast and instant access.
Membership provides you, your institution, or organisation with the timely, high quality, accurate, valuable, up-to-date information in the field, whatever your role, in addressing inequality; giving you the knowledge and insight you need – not only to stay current but to stay ahead of the highly volatile higher education news and policy agenda.
SEE VACANCIES SEE EVENTS SEE eBULLETINAshley Callard, Communications and Engagement Manager, Governors for Schools
Susan Mueller, HE Director, Stand Alone
Lucie March, Head of Access and Widening Participation, UCL