At the heart of Widening Participation and Access since 1999 +44 (0)7541 850937

Events:  Subscribe today to gain full access to our events listings.

Each year on our website, we list hundreds of events both online and in-person; and at locations across the UK – you can see the smallest sub-set of all the events on the website here if you are not subscribed – to see all events please subscribe.  We promote and list all events (large, small; major and minor), webinars, seminars, podcasts and conferences.

To submit an event click here or alternatively send the information directly to 


Some of our testimonials

"First of all thanks very much for sending around information about our series of events back in November. There was a noticeable spike in registrations after that email went out and your input was a part of making the series a real success. We're hoping you can help us out again by circulating the text below my signature regarding a vacancy we are advertising for our new Head of Partnerships."

Matt Griffin, Programmes and Communications Officer, Causeway Education

"A while ago you helped us send out information via the Action on Access mailing list about our upcoming online conference 'Opening the Doors - realising GTRSB access and participation in higher education'. Thank you so much for doing this as you helped us not only promote the event but also reach out to workshop providers and speakers."

Will Kelly, 'Opening the Doors Conference' Coordinator, University of Winchester

"Thanks Andrew, that's great. I know we always get a good response from your circulation ..."

Catherine Fenwick, Director, Aimhigher London

Send us your events for inclusion on this website – at no cost.

If you would like Action on Access to feature your event in its listings, please get in touch.  There is no charge for submitting a listing for inclusion on this website and your event will feature in the fortnightly updates to subscribers and in the monthly eBULLETIN.

Submit an event