Student Lifecycle Programme Officer, Student Communities in LSE LIFE
You will coordinate a programme of activity to support students’ whole journey at LSE, from when they receive an offer through to their first job post-studies. Working closely with Widening Participation, LSE Careers and the Students’ Union, you will coordinate the development, implementation and evaluation of a pilot tailored support programme for contextual offer holders, aiming to provide equitable access to the School’s academic, personal and professional developmental opportunities and support services. You will work with colleagues at all stages of the student lifecycle to develop practical solutions to complex problems, that reflect and respond to students’ needs and feedback. You will be directly responsible for activities in the access and on-course stages of the student lifecycle, based in the Student Communities Team with a dotted-line reporting link to the Widening Participation Team. You will also work closely with evaluation experts to evaluate, monitor and report on the programme’s outputs and impact.